- 当協会のご案内

2017年秋ごろからセクハラなど性暴力を受けた欧米諸国の女性たちが「Me too」運動を展開し、日本でもセクハラや強制わいせつ、レイプなどで女性たちが声を挙げるようになって参りました。


代表理事 高橋 光子
- 日本に住むすべての人々の健康で文化的な最低限度の生活を営む権利を実現し、ウェルビーイングを増進する。
- 差別や抑圧の歴史を認識し、多様な文化を尊重した実践を展開しながら、平和を希求する。
- 人権を尊重し、年齢、性、障がいの有無、宗教、国籍等にかかわらず、生活課題を有する人々がつながりを実感できる社会への変革と社会的包摂の実現に向けて関連する人々や組織と協働する。
- すべての人々が自己決定に基づく生活を送れるよう権利を擁護し、予防的な対応を含め、必要な支援が切れ目なく利用できるシステムを構築し、政策提言を行っていく。
- 医療、福祉、司法、性と生の問題、精神保健に関する問題、育児、労働、成年・未成年後見制度などに関する諸問題の相談援助事業
- 学校教育における「性と生および人権問題に関する教育」と「精神保健教育」の普及啓発に関する事業
- 地域、学校、企業などでの講演会、研修会、交流会などの企画・開発事業
- 一時生活保護(シェルター)事業
- その他この法人の目的を達成するために必要な事業
- 私たちは、すべての人間を、出自、人種、性別、年齢、身体的精神的状況、宗教的文化的背景、社会的地位、経済状況等の違いにかかわらず、かけがえのない存在として尊重します。
- 私たちは、差別、貧困、抑圧、排除、暴力、環境破壊などのない、自由、平等、共生に基づく社会正義の実現をめざします。
- 私たちは、人間の尊厳の尊重と社会正義の実現に貢献します。
- 私たちは、本倫理綱領に対して常に誠実に対応します。
- 私たちは、利用者との専門的援助関係を最も大切にし、それを自己の利益のために利用しません。
- 私たちは、業務の遂行に際して、利用者の利益を最優先に考えます。
- 私たちは、自らの先入観や偏見を排し、利用者をあるがままに受容します。
- 私たちは、利用者に必要な情報を適切な方法・わかりやすい表現を用いて提供し、利用者の意思を確認します。
- 私たちは、利用者の自己決定を尊重し、利用者がその権利を十分に理解し、自立していけるように援助します。
- 私たちは、意思決定能力の不十分な利用者に対して、常に最善の方法を用いて情報を共有し、利益と権利を擁護します。
- 私たちは、利用者のプライバシーを最大限に尊重し、関係者から情報を得る場合、利用者から同意を得ます。
- 私たちは、利用者や関係者から情報を得る場合、業務上必要な範囲にとどめ、その秘密を保持します。秘密の保持は、業務を退いた後も同様とします。
- 私たちは、利用者から記録の開示の要求があった場合、本人に記録を開示します。
- 私たちは、利用者の援助のために利用者に関する情報を関係機関・関係職員と共有する場合、その秘密を保持するよう最善の方策を用います。
- 私たちは、利用者に対して、性別、性的指向等の違いから派生する差別やセクシュアル・ハラスメント、パワーハラスメント、虐待等をしません。
- 私たちは、利用者を擁護し、あらゆる権利侵害の発生を防止します。
- 私たちは、人々をあらゆる差別、貧困、抑圧、排除、暴力、環境破壊などから守り、包含的な社会をめざすよう努めます。
- 私たちは、社会に見られる不正義の改善と利用者の問題解決のため、利用者や他の専門家等と連帯し、効果的な方法により社会に働きかけます。
- 私たちは、人権と社会正義に関する諸問題を解決するため、国内のみならず全世界の人権問題の専門家と連帯し、国際社会に働きかけます。
About our Association
Since around the fall of 2017, women in the U.S. and Europe who have been affected by sexual violence such as sexual harassment have joined the “Me Too” movement, and women in Japan have also come to express their anger against sexual harassment, assaults on women, and rape.
We imagine that they had to overcome considerable hurdles before expressing their anger in public.
We would like to pay tribute to the victims who have made their suffering public with tremendous courage despite being hurt both physically and mentally.
In Japan, however, many people are still not aware of sexual violence even after decades; it is the victims who are required to testify, and there are many cases that are unjustly dropped even though evidence has been gathered and criminal complaints made. Even the victims’ colleagues, friends and acquaintances often direct thoughtless criticism and don’t try to offer a helping hand to them.
Moreover, even the police often don’t file our complaints seriously and just give us the runaround, and it is so irritating to have to tell them the same thing again and again. They often don’t even have female staff on duty.
Sexual violence and child abuse are human rights issues, and they are a matter of life. They deprive people of the right to be healthy individuals.
The victims and their families would find it difficult to work or to do the housework, and may end up suffering from depression. Parents of young children would also have difficulties in raising their offspring, and students would have study issues. In other words, that would result in a big loss to society. Both sexual violence and child abuse are social problems, not just personal issues.
We should support many victims who are innocent, hard working and serious in their learning. Many of the victims of child abuse and bullying cannot talk to anyone.
While Japan is a developed country, children are not being sufficiently taught about human rights (sex and life and mental health) at school.
Murder and attempted murder are also big problems. Offenders are not penalized heavily and repeat offense prevention programs in prison are hardly functioning, resulting in the occurrence of repeat offenses. In addition, economic, social and mental support for the victims is utterly inadequate.
Moreover, child abuse by parents has not been improved for decades due to insufficient legal systems. It is not just because of a lack of a budget and cooperation. The foster-parent system has problems with its training, and its utilization rate in Japan is the lowest internationally.
We will identify these human rights issues for adults and children, make policy recommendations, and provide meticulous care for the victims. We would like to ask for your support and cooperation.
Mitsuko Takahashi
Certified Social Worker, Certified Psychiatric Social Worker
Our operation policies
All citizens must recognize that human rights issues are closely related to the interests of the entire society.
We work on human rights issues that are factors impeding the “right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living” guaranteed by the Constitution of Japan, for and with all people suffering from various circumstances, and provide them with the necessary support.
We will also assist those who are striving for self-realization.
Our fundamental policies
- Establish the right to maintain the minimum standards of wholesome and cultured living for all people living in Japan, and promote their well being.
- Recognize our history of discrimination and oppression, and seek peace while respecting diverse cultures.
- Respect human rights, regardless of age, gender, disability, religion or nationality, etc., and work with people and organizations concerned for social change and inclusion so that people with life problems can feel a connection to society.
- Protect the rights of all peoples for self-determination, establish a system that provides the necessary support, including preventive measures, seamlessly available, and to make policy recommendations.
Our objectives and projects
We will carry out the following projects in order to stop the violation of human rights due to sexual harassment, harassment by a supervisor, stalking, bullying, discrimination by race or sex, abuse, domestic violence, accidents or crime, thereby providing support to the victims, including women, single parent families, persons with disabilities, the elderly, minors and all the other people, for the purpose of promoting their empowerment and liberation.
- Consultation and support projects concerning various issues such as medical care, welfare, justice, sex and life, mental health, childcare, labor, and adult guardianship
- Projects to disseminate and raise awareness of school education about “sex and life and human rights issues” and “mental health”
- Planning and development projects for lectures, workshops and networking events in the community, schools and the workplace, etc.
- Projects for providing temporary housing (shelters)
- Other necessary projects to achieve the objectives of the present Association
Information dissemination and policy recommendations
Collaborating with a wide range of networks, we will identify the current situation of domestic and foreign human rights and welfare issues, propose solutions, and make policy recommendations to resolve them.
Code of ethics
- We shall respect everyone as an irreplaceable individual regardless of origin, race, gender, age, physical or mental conditions, religious or cultural background, social status, or economic conditions, etc.
- We shall aim for social justice based on freedom, equality and symbiosis without discrimination, oppression, exclusion, violence or environmental destruction, etc.
- We shall respect human dignity and contribute to social justice.
- We shall constantly and sincerely act in accordance with the present code of
Ethical standards
I.Ethical responsibility to users
- We shall most value the professional supportive relationships with users, and shall not use them for our own interests.
- We shall consider the interests of users as the top priority throughout our operations.
- We shall set aside preconceptions and prejudices, and accept users as they are.
- We shall provide users with necessary information in an appropriate and understandable manner, and confirm their intention.
- We shall value the self-determination of users, and assist them to thoroughly understand their rights and to be self-reliant.
- We shall constantly share information with users who have insufficient decision-making capabilities using the best means available, and protect their interests and rights.
- We shall conscientiously protect the privacy of users, and secure their consent when obtaining information from the parties involved.
- When obtaining information from users or other parties involved, we shall keep the information requested to a minimum for our operation and maintain its confidentiality. We shall maintain the confidentiality of this information in the same manner even after withdrawing from the Association.
- We shall make records available to the users upon request.
- We shall employ the best means available to maintain confidentiality when supporting users by sharing user information with institutions and staff concerned.
- We shall not discriminate against users on the grounds of their sex or sexual orientation, and never subject them to sexual harassment, “power harassment,” or abuse, etc.
- We shall protect our users and prevent any infringement of their rights.
II.Ethical responsibility to society
- We shall endeavor to protect people from all discrimination, poverty, oppression, exclusion, violence, and environmental destruction, etc. and aim for an inclusive society.
- We shall collaborate with users and other experts and work with society in an effective manner in order to improve social justice and to solve the problems of users.
- We shall work with the international community by collaborating with experts on human rights issues not only in Japan but throughout the world in order to solve various issues relating to human rights and social justice.